Product Marketing
Ad Refresh

Design Challenge
New brand guidelines = brand new ad templates!
The question is, what can we anticipate
needing from them?

The first thing my Creative Director, Alex, said to me when starting this project, was to pretend like I didn’t have to worry about the guidelines. No problem.

I came up with a few fun template experiments, and guess what, we used them all! Each was simple, with freedom to swap in simple copy and images that displayed the products, all with different use-cases
in mind.

Square Ads

Afterpay Ads

Direct Mail

Design Challenge
We all love a good refresh. How do we make business owners love them as much as we do?

Using our beautiful new product photography and guidelines, this one really came down to how we marry the copy with the visuals to tell the story we wanted. Luckily, my partner copywriter, Chelsea and I worked together on mailers that everyone was happy with (including business owners, according to our metrics).


Yelp Marketing